Meg­han Wolf

Lost 90 Pounds and 3 Sizes
Name: Linda
Age: 19
Family Status: Single
Occupation: Student
Hometown: Kingston, Jamaica
Height: 6’1”
Starting Weight: 238 pounds
Current Weight: 193 pounds
Current Waist Size: 34"

How much did you lose (pounds, inches, dress/pants size)?

As we grow older we tend to gain extra weight due to poor eating habits and beco­ming more seden­ta­ry. The for­mu­la for losing extra weight is to burn more calo­ries than you con­su­me. Sounds simp­le, right? The reason why it is not simp­le, and why many peo­p­le fail at losing extra weight, is becau­se they lack the moti­va­ti­on or are loo­king for a quick fix. If you real­ly take the for­mu­la to heart you can suc­cessful­ly lose the extra pounds of weight and beco­me the fit and healt­hy per­son you want to be.

When did you beco­me unhap­py with your weight?

Eating smal­ler por­ti­ons more fre­quent­ly will help to keep your meta­bo­lism up and burn your calo­ries fas­ter than eating the three stan­dard meals of break­fast, lunch and din­ner. This will help you to burn fat and lose weight. Smal­ler meals and snacks should con­sist of fruits and vege­ta­bles and not stan­dard snack foods like pota­to chips.


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